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Showing posts from March, 2022

CodeChef | Practice | Bottom C++ Solution by Aryan Bhan

  BOTTOM It is known that in regular dice, the sum of opposite faces is  7 7 . A regular dice is rolled and you are given the value  X     showing on the top face. Determine the value on the bottom face. CODE: #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std ; int main () {     ios_base :: sync_with_stdio ( false );     cin . ignore ( NULL );     int t ;     cin >> t ;     while ( t --)     {         int x ;         cin >> x ;         cout << 7 - x ;         cout << " \n " ;         }         return 0 ; } Sample Input 1  3 3 1 6 Sample Output 1  4 6 1

CodeChef | Practice | Credits C++ Solution by Aryan Bhan

  Credits  In Uttu's college, a semester is said to be a: Overload  semester if the number of credits taken  > 65 > 65 . Underload  semester if the number of credits taken  < 35 < 35 . Normal  semester otherwise Given the number of credits  X X  taken by Uttu, determine whether the semester is  Overload ,  Underload  or  Normal . Code: #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std ; int main () {     ios_base :: sync_with_stdio ( false );     cin . ignore ( NULL );     int t ;     cin >> t ;     while ( t --)     {         int x ;         cin >> x ;         if ( x < 35 )             cout << "Underload" ;         else if ( x > 65 )             cout << "Overload" ;         else             cout << "Normal" ;         cout << " \n " ;         }         return 0 ; } Sample Input 1  4 65 80 23 58 Sample Output 1  Normal Overload Underload Normal

Geeksforgeeks | Practice | Learn to Comment

  Learn to comment Code: void comment ( int a , int b , int c ) {     cout << a << endl ;     //cout<<b<<endl;     cout << c << endl ; } Input: a = 5 b = 6 c = 15 Output: 5 15

GeeksforGeeks | Practice | Input Output

  TAKING INPUT CODE:   void inputData () {         int a ;         string b ;         cin >> a >> b ;         cout << a << " " << b ;       } Input: a = 5 b = Hello Output: 5 Hello                          THANKS FOR VISITING                              ðŸ’–💖💖

GeeksforGeeks | Practice | Data Types

  DATA TYPES CODE: void dataTypes ( int a , float b , double c , long long l , string d ){         float p = b / c ; //do b/c         double q = b / a ; //do b/a         int r =   c / a ; //do c/a         long long m = r + l ; //do r+l         cout << p << " " << q << " " << r << " " << m << endl ;         cout << d << " " << d [ 3 ] << endl ; //write 3 for index } Input: 1 2 3 5 gfgc Output: 0.666667 2 3 8 gfgc c                             THANKS FOR VISITING                                   ðŸ’–💖💖

GeeksforGeeks | Practice | The New Line

  The New Line CODE: void printNewLine (){         // Your code here     cout << "Geeks \n for \n Geeks" ;     } Input: No Input Output: Geeks for Geeks                              THANKS FOR VISITING                                   ðŸ’–💖💖

GeeksforGeeks | Practice | C++ Hello World

  C++ HELLO WORLD CODE: class Solution {     public:     void helloWorld ()     {         cout << "Hello World" ;     } }; Input: No Input Output: Hello World                          THANKS FOR VISITING                         ðŸ’“💓💓